MP Mining: Madhya Pradesh: A Leading Mineral-Producing State in India

India’s Madhya Pradesh state is a mineral-rich region. Coal, iron ore, manganese, bauxite, limestone, and sand are among the many different minerals that may be found there. The state’s mining sector is important to the economy since it creates jobs and generates income.

MP Mining industry

The state’s mining industry is a major employer. In 2022, the industry employed over 1 million people. The industry also contributes significantly to the state’s economy. In 2022, the mining sector contributed over ₹100 billion to the state’s GDP

The Mineral and Resource Department of the state government of Madhya Pradesh is in charge of managing the state’s mineral resources. The agency is in charge of awarding mining licenses, keeping an eye on mining operations, and assuring environmental protection.

A significant employment in the state is the mining sector. Over a million people were working in the sector in 2022. The sector has a considerable economic impact on the state. The mining industry increased the state’s GDP by approximately 100 billion in 2022.

Coal is the most significant mineral produced in Madhya Pradesh. Some of India’s greatest coal deposits are located in this state. The state generated more than 100 million tonnes of coal in 2022. Iron ore, manganese, bauxite, limestone, and sand are a few of the other significant minerals that are mined in the state.

There are various difficulties in Madhya Pradesh’s mining sector. These difficulties include unregulated mining, deteriorating environmental conditions, and a need for improved infrastructure. The state administration is attempting to resolve these issues and guarantee the sustainability of the mining sector.


Leading mineral-producing state in India is Madhya Pradesh. The state’s mining sector is important to the economy since it creates jobs and generates income. The state government is making an effort to solve the difficulties the mining sector is facing and make sure it is sustainable.